Tuesday, 16 May 2023 08:43


The college held open lessons for second and third year students, where teachers of special disciplines demonstrated a high level of pedagogical and methodological skills.

At the lesson on the discipline "Fundamentals of Accounting" for 3rd year students, the teacher G.A. Memanova organized and conducted the lesson at a fairly high professional level. By its type, a combined lesson with elements of problematic issues. Throughout the lesson, G.A. Memanova used a multimedia presentation and a handout on the topic of the lesson. Using the example of this lesson, various pedagogical techniques and methodological techniques were shown. Overall, the lesson was well planned and the goals were achieved.

Lyalka A.Yu. at the lesson "Finance and Credit" for 2nd year students, there is a good educational cooperation that contributes to the development of the ability to hear and listen. The stages of the lesson are logical. The visibility and accessibility of the studied material is ensured by the effectiveness of the use of ICT at various stages of the lesson. From the materials presented: task cards for updating students' knowledge, forms for filling out calculations on the topic of the lesson, computer presentations, the high professionalism of the teacher who owns and applies elements of innovative educational technologies is visible. At the end of the lesson, the teacher conducted independent work using a differentiated approach, which allowed students to increase their interest in the subject. Students in the lesson work actively, with interest, ask additional questions. In general, the lesson turned out to be fruitful, with a good working environment, a friendly atmosphere and he achieved his goal.

Educational ladder holding "ALMA"


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